Bringing Business Wellness Into the Workplace - Creating a Work Life Balance

*This blog was originally written for Renaissance Strategy. 


Work. Sleep. Work. Sleep. 

Does this process sound all too familiar? 

As humans, we are wired to work. Overworking is praised. Working into burnout means you are doing something right. Right? And when we lose our job, we sometimes feel hopeless because work is what we do.

Losing two jobs during COVID was heartbreaking for me and I was out of work for 10 months. I’m sure most of you can relate to losing a job, working less, and fighting for unemployment. So, when I got a full-time job in October of last year, I did what I was supposed to do. I became super focused, constantly worked, worked overtime, and did everything I could to keep my job.

Getting a raise after six months (that I didn't have to ask for) pushed me even more into work mode. Until I got burned out - which is ironic because the company I work for really stresses work/life balance. I had to learn the hard way. 

This past year has really taught me that you can work hard – and play hard. And there is a reason why that quote exists. I work for a company that helps attorneys create a more manageable work/life balance and, although I'm not an attorney, why can't I practice what I preach every single day?

Here are some things you can do as an employee, as an owner, or as a business professional to focus on business wellness in your life – take time off, work out, read and blog, rest, focus on nutrition, make time for therapy, and focus on creating or building a life that prioritizes your needs and happiness.   

Take time off
Taking time off is typically something that we think about doing last – but even taking a half day off can do a lot of good for your soul, your mind, your energy, and your creativity. You don’t have to go out and spend money or go somewhere with family or friends (although I highly recommend it) – you can use this day to rest, clean up the house, catch up on things that you have been behind on, pay bills, or just simply do nothing.

·        Make sure when you take the day off, you aren't checking work emails! This is time that you can spend away from your desk. Delegate any tasks to a team you trust, put on your “out of office” note, and enjoy the time you have to yourself!

·        Taking time off also helps with creativity - you may notice when you come back to work that you have a new perspective and your creative juices flow at a faster rate.

Work out or go on a walk

Working out is something that I was consistent with for about seven months - and I didn't realize the affect it really had on my body until I got COVID and didn’t work out for almost a month. Working out calms your body, eliminates stress, and is an easier way to tackle your workday.

·        If you can work out before you start working, it can really help prepare you for a calmer day. If you can't, just making time for it is a great step! 

·        If you can, try taking breaks throughout your workday to get your heart rate up. I work from home, so I take a break every hour or two and do the dishes, do laundry, or clean. This can definitely help if you don't want to workout or don't have the means to.

Read or blog
I personally love reading and blogging. Reading takes my mind into a place where I don’t have to focus on the present and I can learn something new. Writing and blogging allows me to vent and express myself on a new level. If you read self-help books or books that speak about self-awareness and awareness around you, you are learning how to become a better person through this process. 

This is so important but most of us don’t get the rest we need in a typical day. I have noticed a shift in my focus and energy when I don’t get enough sleep. Here are some tips to help you get more rest:

·        Try going to bed 30 minutes to an hour earlier than usual, if possible, and see what difference that makes in your energy levels. When I had COVID, I was going to bed around 8:30pm compared to midnight (!) and what a difference it made.

·        Find something that helps you relax at night to help you sleep better -  that could be reading, taking a hot shower, working out, meditating, or doing yoga.


This one is huge. It is so important to have a balanced diet. Working from home makes this difficult with soda, snacks and then snacking again at night. By keeping track of my calories, walking around more often, and buying healthier snacks, it makes things a lot easier. I have also narrowed my soda drinking down to one soda per day now. Wellness can be extremely difficult, and it really is tough to balance everything, but once you start to focus on yourself and your self-care, you will start to realize that life is much easier and better with balance.

I started therapy earlier this year and it is one of the best things that has happened to me. Between stress of the job, personal issues, and not wanting any of this to affect my workplace, I decided to speak to a therapist once a week. The therapist opened my eyes to self-care and focusing on the things I enjoy doing, not necessarily focusing on other people around me. It was tough for me to put my family aside and figure out what makes ME happy but since then, I have realized that I had put myself to the side for at least the first half of the year. In actuality, the past few years. I have been able to take time off, make time for my family close by at least once a month, watch what I eat, I developed a work out schedule, stopped midnight snacking, started decorating our home and purchasing things that we haven’t been able to in the past, online shop, and all of this combined provides the balance that I have been craving.

Find a Job That Focuses on YOU

This is SO hard to find. It is so important that you find a career that focuses on you, your family, and your priorities. It took me a very long time, but I am SO happy with where I’m at right now. I don’t have to worry about missing work to go get my son from school because he is sick or have to take him to the urgent care. Find someone that says to you, “work can wait” Find someone that prioritizes YOUR health, family, and offers a flexible schedule. It makes the world of a difference and, although it’s been a huge transition for me, I have realized that life is not all about work. Work and money are important, but family and friends are more important. I also use several planners and calendars to keep track of work events and personal events, so I know when to schedule my half days or full days off.

If you are a business, I would recommend that you provide the ability for your employees to take paid time off, have mental health days, have available insurance to pay for therapy, promote wellness and self-care, and offer remote work and flexible hours. Create a team you trust and build a positive environment, offer a wellness program, and prioritize your employees. 

What would you add to this list?


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