Dream Log 2022 and 2023 - Journal About Dreams - My real life dreams

Does anyone keep track of their dreams? Have a dream journal or a dream notebook? This blog is what I use for my dreams. I have been keeping track of my dreams since 2015. I remember a lot of them, I have no idea what they mean, but they are fun to look back on. 

Below is a list of the past few years worth of dreams as well as the dreams I have had in 2021:

Dreams 2015-2018
Dreams 2019
Dreams 2020
Dreams 2021

Below are my 2022 dreams. Enjoy!

January 2022: 
I typically write my dreams down by day but I've had so many and forgot to write the dates so here are some that I remember in January. 

I had a dream that my fiance was actually dating someone from another country - it was more like a 90-day fiance situation. She came over to visit but didn't really speak English so of course he was spending time with me and talking to me. We went to this restaurant with another person and her and we looked behind us and the girl was gone. She didn't have a phone so we just waited there. I decided to head to the house and there was a package/gift on the doorstep to Kevin and from her. So she must have snuck off and purchased him something. I went in the house and went upstairs to where his bedroom usually is and he is typically on this top bunk. I went up to the bedroom, opened the door, and a child was sleeping in the bottom bunk and I started talking to him (I woke him up) and asked him if this was still Kevin's room and he said no. I then looked to my right and someone I knew, a guy, was there and he had been sleeping but I had woken him up by talking to the kid. I told him I didn't see him there and then closed the door and left. 

I had a dream that because I was attending college in my dream, I was gifted a ticket for this event where there were huge light up letters that spelled something (I don't know what) but we had to climb them for some reason. I was in this group to go first and we sat in these chairs waiting for everything to start. In the meantime, they showed this video basically warning us that people fall and get hurt by climbing these all the time. I literally watched people fall in these videos and my anxiety was so high. We also were passed around a drink cup and a snack. I think the cup had Diet Coke in it and I didn't want it so I threw it away. I went to get a new cup for Coke Zero and was told everyone can only have one cup unless they want to go and buy another drink at this drink stand. I decided I was super super thirsty so I wanted to. I went to the stand and got me a drink and saw bathrooms right by there so I went in. After, I went to my seat and we decided that we wanted to do this climb barefoot so our feet will stick and not slip with socks (apparently shoes weren't an option?) so I took off my socks, they called our group up and we started walking to go start the climb. Then I woke up.

February 2022

I had a dream that I had to use the restroom and I went into the bathroom but there wasn't a toilet so I peed in my sisters diaper bag which she literally used seconds later. In the same dream, I won almost $2,000 on a slot machine, I went in this elevator but it literally was this small tube that I had squish in and it sucked me in and it was scary. And then I was going to go to dinner but kept adding people to the dinner reservation and dinner was like $70 per person.

I had a dream that I was working back at Progrexion Marketing (that job haunts me - I have more dreams about this place than I would like to admit). 

April 2022

I had a dream that I had two jobs and for one job I was working here at Atticus and I had to attend four workshops in one week so I had to let my other job know when I was attending these Zoom workshops and they were one hour each. 

April 8 I had such a vivid dream - Rayetta had come over to stay with us for five days to help with Jace while Kevin and I were busy and needed some extra help. She was going to take Jace to school but I decided to although she got his breakfast ready. I went into the kitchen and he was eating a candy bar for breakfast. I remember telling her, "I know this might be how you do it at your house, but we have a routine and things we do here and we do things differently." I then took Jace to school. Apparently there was a booth that he needed to go to and we had this coupons with numbers on them and each worth a different price that we could use to buy things in this booth. We found this booth in the auditorium of the school and it was booth 9. We had our tickets and there were only five things for us to buy and then a shelf full of random things such as necklaces that we could buy. The main things were food. His teacher (in his dream was a guy) had called and asked him if he was at the school and in the booth but I saw him on this big screen TV that randomly showed up in this booth. We were there for an hour (!!) somehow without being able to decide what we wanted. I finally decided I wanted a necklace and it ended up having a broken piece at the bottom but I liked it better that way. I purchased it and Jace started walking away since he thought we were done. I started walking after him and realized I forgot the necklace so I turned back to go get it and then realized that I probably should go after Jace instead because there was a lot of people there and I didn't want him to get lost or kidnapped. Even though it was the school, there were a lot of visitors with this event. So I turned back to go after him and realized my worst nightmare - I couldn't find him. I am going through all of these booths, I end up in this "legoland" portion of the school...and I end up going through basically this maze of different things the school was putting on, yelling his name and not being able to find him. I was trying to recollect what he was wearing in case I had file a missing persons report. I couldn't remember what he was wearing. I ran all around trying to find him and woke up without finding him. I was so sad when I woke up but happy that it was a dream.

April 11 I had a dream that I was in a different country with my family and Kevin but I got on this dating app while I was there and decided to meet up with a guy on there. I rode my bike to meet him and he introduced his mom and little brother. We decided to head back to my hotel where my family was. We drove a taxi back and we were using a translator to talk to each other. I couldn't remember the exact hotel but I guess we found it because we had walked inside. Kevin was also in there.. Kevin cried when he saw me with the other guy. I shouldn't go to bed watching 90 day fiance because the guy on there got on a dating app even though he was married (but about to divorce). 

April 12 I had a dream that Kevin and I had moved into a new place and we had like five people working on our apartment. One was fixing the vents and four others were doing other things. I was in the kitchen and one of the women that had been working on things had sat next to Kevin. Next thing I know, they are kissing. Then I started throwing stuff at her. And then they started kissing again and I threw more stuff at her and got her out of the house and then I walked passed Kevin and didn't even look at him.

May 12 and May 13 I had a dream about a clown named Coco the Clown. Rayetta, Jace and I were in the backseat of a car and we were going to go see this movie with coco the clown in it. Rayetta mentioned something about Jace wearing his hair a certain way for me and I told her I didn't care how Jace wore his hair.he was like 6 in my dream. I went in to get Kevin but him and I ended up playing hide and seek. I went in our room and ended up finding Jace under our covers. I said something to Kevin about it. The movie started at 11am and it was now 11:45am. Rayetta and Dominique were actually in the car and they didn't call us to go. I asked kevin if his mom would leave us and he said "yes she probably took my car" which was parked next to mine and unlocked. 

I also had a dream that I had a sword and there was someone with this huge gut and I stabbed them right in the stomach. I dreamed Jack Harlow died. And somehow Kevin and i were both killers and running from the law. I went to bed after watching a killer show...exactly what i dreamed about. 

May 15 I had a dream that Kevin. Jace and I were at this beach. Jace went ahead of us and off in the distance we could see him in the ocean sitting on this ice chest. Kevin had said he was fine but next thing you know, a wave came and toppled Jace over. Kevin ran to go save him. I stood there for some reason. A guy next to me said "I just had a neighbor who passed away. There was a guy there who watched him die and ended up passing away also." At this point, I don't know if Kevin was able to find or save Jace and woke up before I could find out. 

May 22 I had a dream that Kevin and I got married. It was a ceremony with two other couples. I don't remember what I wore and I tried not to look at him before the ceremony but I saw a black and bergundy tux or nice outfit. 

May 24 It was like 430am and your phone went off or I looked through your phone while you were asleep and you were talking to this other girl through messenger in a way that was basically cheating. When I confronted you, you told me we didn't have enough sex. I called my mom and sister and started packing my stuff up. I got to my moms by 6am somehow and I just remember it being so unreal to me and it was the longest day ever. It was like I knew you had cheated on me but I didn't want to leave. Going through that entire thing was terrible for me

May 27 I had a few interesting dreams. One was that I was at a hair salon but they also did tattoos. Kourtney Kardashian was my friend and she was there. Latonya was there. And then I saw James from church camp. He was still young in my dream but in real life, he unfortunately passed away years ago. It was weird to know that was him. I wanted to get my hair done and people came in or were at the salon that I continuously knew. This woman got her hair done before me and then one of my friends got her hair done. I was last to decide what I wanted and I didn't know how I wanted my hair but I wanted to get a matching tattoo with Latonya. She showed me her tattoo idea


It was funny because the "101" was "lol" so it was supposed to make you laugh. I was really going to get this tattoo on me. I woke up before I had my appointment. 

May 28 I had a dream that I was entering this Instagram giveaway like always and I liked and commented on a few of this girls Instagram page. I got a popup saying that she couldn't read or open my comments but I had a chance to record an audio comment for her. Kevin was in our room so I went to another room in the house, kicked Jace out and started recording but then Kevin called me. I woke up before I could know how this cool thing worked.

June 17
I have been having interesting dreams lately. I had a dream that I was in an adult ballet class. 

June 25 
I had a weird dream that Nana and papa paid for a birthday party for me to have at this lounge - bottom level - where activities are planned for a group of people. I had the most random people there - nikki cook who I haven't seen in 10 years, my mom, and apparently 4 power rangers, along with nana and papa at the beginning. I know there were about 4 men and 6 women. I don't remember the activities that this lounge put on but we did a countdown for my birthday and at midnight, my party sang me happy birthday. The activities were supposed to be another hour and a half long or I could pause them and finish them off the next day which is what we decided to do. The room that was booked was called the "junior" room. I think it had one somewhat large bed but we decided to get another one since we had so many people. Then we decided to do men in one area and women in the other. We drove a bus on the way to the hotel and, before we could get there, some bad guys had caught the power rangers. They were dangling outside of a window on a ledge. Next thing you know, they are all in individual white circles, stuck to the circle. One of the power rangers lifted his hand and touched the other one and pointed, there was a spotlight that revealed the word "Marvel" - Power Rangers were teaming up with Marvel. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. 

Anyways, I remember one gift I received from Nikki was some plants, and Uncle V was there and gave me a "meat pie" from Cindy. I'm not sure what that was in my dream but it was some sort of meat pile by a plant. It was very odd. 

June 30 and July 2 
A guy robbed a bank and took 13 people hostage and slowly started killing them one by one. One person was blind and she had no idea what was going on when she became a hostage. It was down to 2 people - all women by the way - and that's when I realized this was a movie. I think I was just watching everything play out, I don't think I was in the actual dream. The second to last lady ended up killing the man but then he somehow survived because they were making a sequel to this movie.

I had a dream I was going to make my way to a hotel room but misplaced my key. I asked these people at this bar how I would go about getting a key and they asked me what floor I was on. In order to get on the elevator to go to that floor, we were asked a series of trivia questions by a robot voice inside this area. If we didn't pass the questions, we couldn't go to the floor we needed to go to. If you didn't pass, you had to wait 15 minutes to try the process a over again. We didn't pass the first time and I was waiting to go back in when I thought i heard Kevin say "Abbie!" In real life but he didn't. Weird!

July 10 I had a dream that maybe Kevin and I were separated but working on things because he had his own 1-bedroom place in California and him and I had a lease on an apartment in Utah. I visited him and I ended up going somewhere, I don't know what it was but it had prizes and like a raffle. The prizes totaled $345 with one of the prizes being a $45 bicycle. I had touched the prizes and they fell so I picked them up, not realizing that the bike had broken. The raffle was over and this couple came in, told the people that worked there that I had broken the bike and that I owe them the $45. I asked if they had purchased a raffle ticket and they said "no" so I told them I don't owe them anything. What I could do was pay all 100 of the people that paid and received a raffle ticket so they would basically get a quarter or two each. I went back to Kevin's apartment and told him this story and I was in the middle of talking to him when this girl walked in, went over and kissed him (!!!) and she was like an Indian girl, taller than him, and so pretty. She looked at me after and said to Kevin, "you told me she was backing off" - I slapped her in the face and she slapped Kevin in the face. She walked out and of course I started packing my stuff up. I told him I could stay there by myself and finish off his lease or I can go to Utah and go back and forth between his & mine apartment and my sisters house. Since he cheated and was seeing another girl, I was planning on leaving. Jace and his friend Josh were there and they were just so happy and Josh had asked me a question and I was trying not try cry and I was trying to figure out how to tell them that we were separating. It was really sad and I woke up and was so glad it wasn't true.

July 15 
I had a dream that nana called me and wanted to talk to Timmy. I had told Susy that we were busy this day so we couldn't hang out. Nana said Susy should be here and right then, the doorbell rings and it's Susy, Michael and kids who just showed up without notice. It was kind of awkward but I remember doing something outside like throwing a ball down a hill or something. It was weird. 

August 17
I had a dream that we were like in the movie Bullet Train. There were a bunch of people in one location and rumor had it that people with guns were coming and they were going to kill every single one of the people, including me. We waited and they finally got there. I saw them load up with guns and they were about to shoot when I went up to one, stuffed a gun with something so it wouldn't go off and then the guy that was holding the gun blew something in the air that would basically make everyone cough and die. I held my breath when I stuffed something in the gun. I ended up not dying a lot with maybe five of us. We escaped together and then I vaguely remember after that. 

August 26
I had a dream that I won $6,756 on a scratcher!

August 27 
I had a dream that I was with Susy and Chanel had sent me some chocolates in the mail for my birthday. They were half wrapped and I'm surprised some of the chocolates didn't break or fall out during shipping. 

August 28
I had a dream that Kathleen was out and during this time, she wanted me to draw something out for her. I somehow missed that email until after she was back. She then asked me to copy her with creating this Dallas Cowboys sign, so I did. At the end, I asked her if she liked it and she said no :( 

September 3
I had a dream that Kevin had been an owner or manager of places in the past and never paid people. So he got paid and his mom was there and they had discussed paying off some of these people. I was so happy to see that he was able to pay things off and move forward with that part of his life. She had actually sat down with us and went over my list and hers of who he owed and how much. 

September 18
I had a dream that I worked in Pleasant Grove and my mom lived in Pleasant Grove. I was trying to figure out how to get to her house without Google Maps, without calling her for some reason and all while driving. I couldn't pull over to the side to find her address so I ended up going on the freeway and going to west valley which is where my sister lived. I recognized my sisters street so I was about to get to her house when I woke up.

September 27 and 28
Both nights I had a dream about the casino. The first dream I was with my sister Alexis and there was this huge slide in the casino. Lex went down it but I didn't want to, I tried to go around this slide but couldn't. I don't know if I went down it. The night before last I had a dream that there was this wheel that could be spun and you could win but you had to pick a number between 1-1500 by 100's so I picked 400. If the wheel landed on your number, you got that amount of money. It landed on 200 and a guy had picked 200 so he won. I remember asking after if we could still do this again by gambling more and the lady said yes. So I said, "okay, I guess I have to spend more money..." 

September 29
I had a dream that Kevin and I were at Carl's Jr with a few other people. I remember we ordered and then remembered that I had won an instant win game where I had a free soda and free fry (which is true in real life) and I remember someone telling me that Kevin could have a diet soda but maybe not the fry because he was working on his health (also true). 

October 1 
I had a dream that Uncle Mat and Aunt Jen had to younger boys like 5 or under and one of them had passed away awhile before I saw them. I didn't know about this though until I saw them in person. I asked if they told my mom and they hadn't yet. 

October 5 
I had a weird dream. Amanda was in a car with her friend and I took some of her kids and one of my friends into this bathroom. Well KC was there - it was a bathroom and an extra area - but when I went into the bathroom, he would put chairs up against it so I couldn't get out (even though I did) and he was doing that with other doors there and trapping the kids but luckily I could get them out. We were there for a few hours probably before we left. We were traveling somewhere and stopped for awhile. 

October 9 
I had a dream that my mom came to visit and we were on a couch that had one long portion and one shorter, so an L shaped. I laid down on the long side, Kevin on the short. Mom was there and she came over to me and Kisses me on my forehead goodnight. She went over to Kevin and did the same thing - until she didn't. I looked over and they were laying down making out. That was it. I was done with him completely and he didn't even try to get me back. Later he was next to my sister. I was just over it. And he was just done too. One bad decision led to our relationship being over. I was on this marketing team and was asked to be on stage two days in a row, across the street from where we were staying and sleeping. I was up on stage the first night and the second night was a struggle with Kevin laying in my sisters bed and before I'm going to change my clothes, my sister yelled "You are such a freeloader" and said all I've done is watch TV and I told her I haven't because I've been on stage the entire time. So I went back to my room/place and started finding something to wear. I went through like 5 shirts, several shoes and clothes were everywhere. I finally found an outfit. They were supposed to start at 12:30 but i started hearing music and stuff at noon. I tried to hurry but it was like all in slow motion. I had to get dressed, go to the bathroom, and basically be comfortable for at least the next few hours. It was a stressful dream to say the least. 

October 20
I had a dream that Susy was sick (maybe cancer) so I was driving down to her house which was 2 hours away (in real life it's 1) and it was raining so badly that I couldn't see anything at all. I was on the highway and couldn't see at all around me so I just stopped on the highway and knew someone was going to hit me so I just waited to be hit. A few seconds later I wasn't hit so I started going again and then it's like I blacked out because next thing I know, it's 2am and I'm at Susy's house. My "ex" (very loosely, we dated for like a month) was there along with another guy. I remember Sus asking me, "Do I have to keep an eye on you? Are they going to get you in trouble" and I said, "I don't know" and then I decided that I have to work at Pasolivo in the morning and I had to get up at 7am so I actually really wanted to go back home. It was 2am and I knew I would get home at 4am but I didn't want to stay at Susy's. I went to go find my car with all three of them and it took forever to find. Then we went in this elevator and it got stuck so I moved this pipe thing over and it ended up working and so we got out and by then it was way later so I decided I was going to just stay at that point. Then I woke up. 

October 23 
I had a dream that I was with Elvin from work and someone else and he was going to run an errand but in the car he mentioned that today was his day to make his speech so that's where we were going. We were missing work so I didn't let Kathleen know immediately until I realized how long this would actually take - all day. It ended around 730 or 830. The following year I knew I didn't want to go with him again when he did this. Instead, Andrew, Alexis and Katie May were both going. Andrew and Lex were so little. I remember calling Katie and warning her how long it would be. In my phone, her name was KT May. And I called her but my phone took forever to hang up. I had to almost turn my phone off before it would end the call. This happened like 3 times. I remember stopping by where they were since Andrew and Lex were there and I saw a slot machine against the wall. I asked if I could play it or if it worked and I guess it gave coins instead of actual money so I decided not to use it even though I had cash. I think you turn your coins in for other things. That's all I remember.

October 26
In real life, I sold all of my tumblers but in my dream, I had 3 or 4 tumblers left. They weren't smooth and needed another layer of resin on them. I sold all of my supplies but I had someone come over and said they wanted the tumbler. I tried to buy some quick-dry resin and I spent $13 on it. I then had to figure out how to have it dry and spin because I sold my space heater and my spinner. 

November 6 
I had a dream I was a salesperson but by accident. I was talking to the vice president and manager of this company and got invited to dinner with other groups of people and the name of the restaurant was after the VP. It started with a "B" I think. Anyway I invited a couple that I knew and we went in and there were probably 10-15 tables and everyone was eating but it was dead silent. It was so strange with that many people. We walked past some tables to the front and asked where we could sit. They showed us our table. The man and woman I invited were a couple and they started kissing. Like a lot. It was strange because we had ordered food and it was a very professional environment. I remember the man getting super close to me like he wanted to kiss me and I remember thinking that Kevin and I weren't really close like we were still together but we didn't have the bond that I needed so I would not have minded if I was kissed by the man. He didn't kiss me though. I remember going down to the ocean for something. It was a very specific dream. 

November 7
I had a dream that I was a few months pregnant.

November 12
I had a dream that I went up to church camp, family camp, and I wanted to take Kevin and my cousin Emily to meet everyone up there and also just experience new things. I went up there and literally didn't know anyone. I was looking around or walking around and came back to the car and saw Kevin asleep leaning up against the passenger side window and a chick was in the drivers seat asleep in the drivers side. I was kind of upset about that. I then went into the bathroom and someone had said that a dog had died and his blood was everywhere and spread everywhere in the bathroom. It was truly disgusting. It was a terrible experience going up there.

November 14
I had a dream that Steve and Mark from work were both in my dream. They both had stayed after work for 9 hours and Teresa was an accountant and did the accounting. Instead of them going to her and explaining why they stayed after so late, they decided to come to my house. Mark stayed for an hour and Steve and his wife stayed for 6 hours and they rode horseback through my backyard and both knocked on the back door. Kevin wasn't home and they thought a lady that was there was my girlfriend or wife and apparently she made $400/check and they felt bad for her. I don't entirely know why I spent so much time talking to them but I did. The sheep could be seen from my backyard and Steve calls me sheep girl (in real life) and I showed him the sheep out the window. Super weird and exhausting. I was thinking if I could calculate that as work time since they both came by unannounced. 

November 17
I had a dream last night that I was in an airplane heading home from Utah I think and it was a small plane and we were about to emergency land and we were getting closer to the ground and the lady pilot moved the plane upward and said we weren't ready to land yet. We ended up landing on water and everyone and everything was safe. Amanda was in my dream and we made it home and then dressed up to go somewhere. 

December 18
I had a dream that I was at a movie theater and looking in the mirror and I was so pretty and looked different. I put my hair halfway up and a guy came up behind me and held my hair while I used a clip to put it in. Then we went into the movie theater and a worker came in and kicked people out that didn't pay for their seats. Unfortunately it was a lot of my friends. I thought Roxy had paid for hers but she didn't so I made a big deal about it because she owns her own business and I thought she had more money than all of us. She ended up getting kicked out so it was just the guy and me from our group and we moved up seats and watched the movie. 

I had another dream where Amanda, Katie and I had to drive a few hours to pick up a car and then I was going to drive the car back because I was the only one authorized. Well, we get in the car and Katie tells us that it's actually like an 16 hour drive total, 8 hours there and 8 hours back. I told her there was no way I could drive 8 hours straight without switching with someone and I didn't want to commit to doing it so we turned around and went back to this church which I guess is who assigned us this job. They told us there is no way we needed to do that and that it was too long. 

Then I remember I was in the car and Steph Curry was on the back of our car standing up and we were driving so he fell and went in the road and the driver of our car didn't go back to get him or stop. I remember looking in the rear view mirror and seeing him on the ground (he was sitting on his butt and didn't look like he was in pain and luckily there weren't a lot of people or drivers around him). 

January 8, 2023
I had a dream that my mom was in the hospital in Utah and I went to visit her with 3 family members I think and she was on the 280th floor. In order to leave, we had go through KC who was up to some sort of tricks like always. We had the entire floor to ourselves with huge glass windows but I just remember that we couldn't leave. 

January 18, 2023
I had separate intense dreams. The first one Kevin, Jace and I were going to a show, maybe in Vegas? I just remember all 3 of us going somewhere together like a family friendly show. The second dream, we were living in the same place but there was a bigger gap between houses and there was another house built on the property. Scott and Colleens house was closer and Steven's and his wife and family was further. I had to talk to Steven about something important and on my way, a palm tree completely fell so I decided to tell him that while I was there. I rang the doorbell, told him about the palm tree and then I said "I have to talk to you about something else" and he literally said no and slammed the door in my face. In a separate dream Kevin and I were decorating something for Grandma. We used this program where whatever you pressed and decided on, that is what the item looked like so you could actually see it on. It was this four piece set, something about shoes and maybe luggage? I don't know but we picked a design and then she was using tape to go around it but the tape pulled up the color (which was black) so I tried using a marker to color It in and then we decided to pick another design. She picked one and I was supposed to wear the shoes the next day. As we are doing this, my sister and a friend or someone shows up and surprises us (and Aunt Sami was in San Francisco and was supposed to come see us the next day hopefully) and they brought a dog. Apparently it wasn't a dog, it was partial or 1/3 human. It was basically a part of an experiment and it became 1/3 dog, 1/3 human and one third something else. These dreams happen when I take nighttime melatonin gummies :)

January 21, 2023
I had a dream I was back doing color guard and we were all practicing and we did have au audience. We were in a big gym. The dancing routine had us rolling on the floor a few times and doing some things in the air that made me super dizzy. I remember after those parts just sitting down and being like "I'm too old for this" but a few practices later we were performed this routine, which we had just learned by the way. As I'm rolling, I push up and my skirt flies up so everyone could see my underwear but it was dark and it was just the right side of the stage so I don't know who saw but no one said anything. I remember gathering around after and talking and hanging out and no one said anything. There were a few old guys in the group and the rolling and stuff, they didn't even do. They just went with the motion so I'm not sure how that looked. 

January 22, 2023
I spent so much money on groceries yesterday (in real life) and it somehow trickled into my dream because I had everything organized and I had a dream that Kevin put three tacos (not in a bag, just tacos) in the fridge, next to each other and then put the stuff he didn't want (onions and I think lettuce) next to it or on top of the tacos. So I was irritated in my dream because I had to move them to a bag and then I saw that Jace put chips in the drawer instead of the cabinet so I called him in and he was right there and then I woke up.

February 2023
I had a dream that my credit score was an 808. 

February 19, 2023
I had a dream that I was in college and Kathleen was my professor. I was taking 4 college courses. I was doing this project over the weekend where I had to pick 5 quotes from this one specific lady in history and then a color theme and design something around both for 4 weeks. So I made 20 of these clay things and picked 4 different colors and then I looked up quotes and was going to find a way to match them. The assignment was due on Tuesday. Josh made this Wario clay thing and he had to go home so he put it at the top of everything because all of the clay had to dry which would take at least a day. His Wario sculpture thing was cool, it was purple and yellow and he used a template because I remember asking him but it was awesome. 

I then dreamed that Josh went home to do a spin class and he was like 10 but we did video without calling because we were watching this class and I accidentally called and was trying to hang up like 3 different times. Luckily no one answered or said anything. 

We also had a raccoon in our house. There was a circle cutout in our house and a raccoon had made it in there and turned it into something magical. This was a huge raccoon and I swear it didn't have a head. I looked through the hole and it was this huge domain and there was even a throne-like thing for him. It was wild and something I have never seen before. 

February 21, 2023
I had the craziest dream last night. I had a dream I had two jobs - Progrexion (my old job in my 20's) being one of them. I felt like working on my day off so I went in, but when I got there, I changed my mind. I decided to steal a few things from them so I ran off with four slices of pizza and some other stuff. My supervisor ran after me so I decided to throw everything except the pizza. Next thing I know, I decided to meet with this group of guys and girls who were into a game - I think it was either Dragons and Dungeons or COD or something big like that. I was with these two guys and we were going to meet up with a bunch of people at the very top of this business and play this game through the night. We jumped rivers and landed on concrete and climbed hills and went into this business that we weren't supposed to be in. There is a parade going on when we decided to meet and since they meet every year at the same time, it was banned now because the group would climb down the building during the parade and mess the parade up so if we wanted to do this, we had to be quiet. I remember we would be in the building and, on our way up, we would hide because there were people that worked in the building. I remember one time I saw a lady and she saw me and I pointed to where the two guys with me were hiding - I wanted to get them in trouble for some reason. She didn't do anything about it so we kept on going and met others in the building. All of the sudden we made it to the top and this room had 3 TV's in it - a smaller TV, and then two TV's that were HUGE and almost the same size next to each other. This was beginning to feel like we were actually going to play. I had no idea what I was doing or how to play and everyone around me was obsessed and knew what they were doing. The "competition" would start around midnight so we had a few hours to go. I looked out the window, down the railing and the parade that I kept hearing about was starting. It was so cool to hear the drums and the marching band. We watched and listened and talked during this time. There were about 4-6 women my age and then maybe 10-12 men. We played this game beforehand where one of the ladies either predicts something or rolls a dice. Well, this happened and she told me I was going to die. At this point, I didn't want to play the game, I just wanted to head home. Another lady said she was going home because she was going to another event so I asked if I could head back with her and the lady that told me I was going to die because I didn't really know my way back to the main street. They finally said yes. I grabbed my eyeliner and mascara and we headed out. I don't think I died because I did wake up in real life and I also don't remember dying in my dream. I do remember looking at my fitbit and I had taken more than 8,000 steps just making my way up and down the mountain. I wish that was real life numbers.

March 1
I had a dream I was more than 9 months pregnant, a few days late and I hadn't had contractions and my stomach was oddly shaped. It was Kevin's baby. He had left to do errands or something (I don't know because he didn't tell me) and mom was next to me and she was calling him and they were talking about what we need and how she can help once the baby is born but it was weird that she was sitting next to me and on the phone with my fiance. It was also weird being pregnant. I felt normal.

March 5
Mom had let me borrow this camper of hers and it was huge. She said I could borrow it for the weekend but to not destroy or damage it in any way. The first night I took it, I remember the top part broke or came off and I keep thinking about this dream because it was so odd. I knew she would be upset that it broke so I tried to call someone to see if they could fix it in a day. I don't know what ended up happening before I woke up.

March 10
I had a dream that I was video taping around the house and, in real life, we have had a mouse issue. We continue to catch mice and I just bought some stuff for the mice to stay away so it's been on my mind. In my dream when I was video taping, I saw a mouse on our counter. It literally jumped off the counter and went to the side of our countertop where it met with another mouse. They were throwing things in each others mouth and had a jug of beer in their hand and "cheers"ing. I went to go rewind the video so I could watch this again and it never let me rewind that far so I never saw the replay. I wasn't sure if my eyes (or brain) were messing with me. 

I also had a dream that we were having issues with our neighbors and they wanted everything in writing and email and notes instead of just calling and trying to work things out. I went outside and found five hand-written notes around our backyard to us. It was like every little thing we did they had an issue with.

March 21
I had a dream that I was at a school and our last class we got out early. I had one more class to go to but didn't want to because Amanda and the kids were in town. I went outside to look for my car so I could go home. As I walk out, I noticed KC in the corner of my eye. I looked the other way and kept walking and he said my name. I didn't have hatred towards him like I do in real life but I still didn't want to see or talk to him. He said my name several times and I think I said something like I didn't want to talk to him and kept walking. As I was walking up from the school, my sister and her kids were all right there on the sidewalk. I guess they were waiting for me. Little did they know that KC was down the street. It was far enough to where they didn't see him and I didn't tell them. Also, before that when I was in the classroom, Jenna was there and a guy was there and we were all at the same table. I saw fresh veggies in this shelf above Jenna. The guy went over and got some and I was thinking about getting some. 

March 24
I Had a dream my family went to Florida. Mom and Ron bought a huge rental home for the kids (and my boyfriend or maybe a guy I had barely been dating) and then a separate place for them. This place was gorgeous and I never wanted to leave Florida. Day one we saw rooms, a pool, an ocean right outside, and there was this thing where right above the ocean you could do a hologram of someone that died so it shows their photo. I wanted to do my dad so I could see him from our rental home. I told my "boyfriend" that we could go out. He was driving and I could tell he drank too much. He ended up at the bank and we talked to the lady that worked there and I really don't know why we were there. I'm pretty sure I took the keys from him and realized that this is not what I wanted at all. I drove us back literally not knowing where I was going. The roads were not normal roads and it wasn't easy to remember how we got there without directions. 

April 11 
I had a dream that Susy, Chanel and I were hanging out. Chanel and I were going to go somewhere together and Susy yelled at us that we couldn't do that. 

April 13
I had a dream that one of my friends (Roxy) had a baby girl who was maybe 2 and I was going to take her to the movies. My Mom said she wanted to take Kevin and Jace to the movies and I didn't want her to go with them. Then we had talked about going to church and Kevin, Jace and I were planning on going to church which was something new. Kevin was actually excited and looking forward to it. 

April 14
I had such a terrible dream. There were twin girls who were turning 8 and they were both killed on their 8th birthday. I didn't really know them but I think they were a family members kids because I remember being asked how often I saw them (which wasn't often). I knew who the killer was and throughout my dream, I was very cautious of him but also trying to give him an opportunity to do better and redeem himself. For some reason, he wasn't in jail. I remember going to this restaurant with him there and it was weird. He was like a friend of the family or something, he had some sort of close connection. I need to stop watching these killer shows.

April 19
I had  a dream that Jace and I were going to go on a mini vacation but decided to go to our neighbors house for a second. It was our old owners and we stopped by. When we were about to leave, we saw a group of young people in this room where the owners also were and asked us to come in and visit for a second. So we did. That was a very bad idea. They trapped us inside. There were so many people, like workers, and they had no escape. The walls made it look like we could see outside but it was just an illusion. There were long hallways and stairs and you can go from one end to the other and not be able to go outside. All of the sudden, Jace had discovered keys or something to where he and I could leave. But in my dream I think I may have fallen asleep because next thing I know, I'm next door at home, waking up and Jace is there with me. I think he saved us.

April 20
I had a dream that we were up at a church camp, or maybe just a camp, for about two weeks. I was with Amanda and there was also another girl there, maybe Sadie from HS? Because her sister was also there. Anyways, my payday had been the next day and there were some slot machines we wanted to play. Amanda and I basically had $5.00 left on our balance before my payday. She used her $5.00 and won $2,800! So I asked her if I could borrow some money to keep playing on my slot machine. She said I could spend $100. Later, I decided to go to the movies with Hetty, Sadie, and a group of people. When we got to the theater, I realized I didn't have my I.D. but was told that Hetty had the hookup. She went to the front and I saw a decent sized gun from her left pocket. I asked Sadie about it because Sadie was with me. I heard others talking among themselves about it too. We were about to go in to see a scary movie and I was afraid she was going to start shooting people or something so I asked Sadie about it and if she saw it and she asked a few people about it. All of the sudden, something happened in the theater and Sadie and I were outside of the theater, kind of running away from Hetty and her group of people. We jumped into the bushes and we were found by her group and demanded money from us. Before that, I was walking and said that my fear had been sitting in the theater and have someone shooting at us, and knowing she had a gun, it creeped me out. We jumped in the bushes, I was found first by maybe 3-4 of them. Then Sadie. We had all been to the same camp and we saw her group of people drive off in the car that we used to drive there so we had to call an Uber. Before we did that, we realized that Sadie's ex was coming to the camp and he was trouble (He was a famous rapper but I can't think of which one he is) so we decided we wanted to leave the camp and would leave that night or the following day. Kevin was actually at the camp and Amanda was there so we went home and told them that we needed to leave. I still didn't get paid until the next day but we didn't want to even see them obviously. I woke up before we came to a conclusion of what to do and when.

April 23
I had a dream that I met up with Justin T. (I haven't seen or heard his name in 15 years) and it was nice because we just had so much fun together. We didn't kiss or do anything like that, but he asked me a lot of questions and listened to me. I planned on taking a one hour lunch break to spend time with him and we did a photo booth and stuff. One hour ended up being three hours which ended up being not going back to work that night. I guess I was staying at my nana's and I was going to go to her house to get some things. She ended up coming to Justin's (I am pretty sure there were other people and family with us) in this boat car thing. It was a very wide car and when she picked me up, it had Joann and her son, Sherry, Grandma, and a few other people. This car would turn into a boat when needed. For instance, there was this river in Arroyo Grande and it got turned into a boat and we went cruising in the water. Also, by nana's house, down the street and around the left corner was a huge, uphill, lake. We went uphill in the boat and looked around at these million dollar houses. I woke up at that point, when we were taking a look at the houses and, behind us, there was this amazing business and I had asked the tour guide person who was driving what it was and I woke up before he responded to me.

May 5 I had a dream that I was just coming back from Japan. I was barely pregnant and Kevin and I were moving out of our house but Kevin wasn't there. We were supposed to have new people move in and we were supposed to be moved out but I still had a couch, a lot of stuff downstairs, and some things that we were packing into mine, Amandas and Katie Risingers car. I went to the main office across the street to see if we could get a one day extension. They said yes and we could show up between 9:45am-2:00pm the next day and have until 4. I went back to our apartment and my Papa had arrived and put one of the couches into a truck so we didn't have to do as much the next day. 

May 6 I had a dream that Amanda, Lexi and I were in an elevator. We pressed 1 and it it started tilting to the right. So instead of going up or down, we were going downwards. We were sideways and almost upside down and we kept hitting 1 and 1 and 1. Finally after about the 5th time, it took us where we needed to go but at that point we were so scared.

May 13 I had a dream about church camp but I don't remember much about it. What I do remember is a bunch of us went to nana and papas house after and stayed there. There were three rooms next to each other - Andrew, Lexi and I had one room, Crissy and her family had one room (the den) and then Amanda and the far right room to herself. I started to get this sore kind of in my mouth but I wanted to get it checked out and figure out what was going on. I called this doctor out to look at it. He was young, maybe our age, and he did a simple test and then he wanted me to swab my cheek. I asked him how much this would cost because I only had $150 right now. He said it will be $125-$150. I told him I would be right back and as I was going inside, I saw a snake on the porch. I went in to tell nana and papa and they had this tablet. They asked if the doctor was 60-70 feet away (he wasn't, he was literally next to the snake) and he said yes so they threw the tablet at the snake. It didn't do anything and we saw the snake awhile later. I had gone inside to ask Crissy for a tampon. I went and opened the door to her and her family's room and she lectured me on how I didn't knock and she has asked me this the past few days that we had been there. Then she said that she thought it was inappropriate that I had kissed two guys (one at church camp) in one week (I was single at the time). I had to overexplain to her but I told her one was my ex and one was someone I had just met (which really wasn't her business) but I asked her for a tampon and she gave me one. Luckily I had two others in my room. I then decided to go back outside to do this swab test and didn't realize it had been 4 hours later. The guy was still out there, this time in a different outfit. We decided to go across the street and it turned into Paris, France. It was now 8am and there were so many people out and it was gorgeous. The doctor said he carved my initials into a bench and I saw them. Next door to that, my sister Alexis had helped with building this house - it had rainbow color wood pieces behind it and it was really pretty against the green trees and blue sky. I started to find the doctor to be cute. We went up these stairs and I could tell that my legs and feet were getting puffy (due to the elevation) so he started massaging them to bring down the puffiness. I told him I thought I was going to puke and then I woke up.

May 26 
I had a dream I went to Disneyland but we had like a booth there or something. Kevin was there, Amanda and my mom were there. We were done for the day and went to this area where transportation picks you up and takes you back to your hotel. All of the sudden KC showed up. I both threw up and then ran away. I also know this girl ran away too and she said she was going to hide into this vent thing and we found her before KC did.

July 30

I had a dream that Kevin and I were staying at a hotel near the Paso fair. Kev went to the fair by himself and I decided to stay back and look for our room. When I arrived at the hotel, I wasn't told where our room was. The numbers on the doors were so tiny I literally had to go up to each number. Our room number was 274, I remember that. After going through 3 hallways, I finally found it. I went inside and it had a light door and then a screen door. After awhile, I heard music outside my door do I opened it and there was loud music playing and people dancing like I just entered a college party. I was told that was where college students did go to party. I went back inside and texted Kevin with no response. I went outside and watched some planes land really close to our hotel. I saw three men get out of one and they lined up to go inside the airport and I smiled at them and they all smiled back (they were older, maybe 50s or 60s). I went back inside and turned on the news and they said everyone needs to stay where they are due to an emergency and they were landing all planed and keeping planes landed asap. Something was going on across the street at the fair. A few hours later, I was safe to leave and I came back to find Kevin in our room. He hadn't texted me so I was worried about him but I was just glad he was home safe:)

October 15 I had a dream that my papa had poured a can of cherry coke in a glass cup with ice and there was a cherry on top. He drank some and then gave me the rest. I was also somewhere by the lake for a one week vacation. I was with a group of people. One of the couple's were gay and my friend was trying to get me to do something like his boyfriend would do, it was like reading something or something. It was really strange. But I do remember thinking that I wanted to be by the lake forever and I actually had a lot of fun.

October 23 I had a dream that I didn't have my period for a week (also a reality) so Kevin scheduled a doctor appointment for me. It was a weird appointment. I wasn't in a room, I was just in a section of a big room with other people not too far. In fact, there was this boy who was going to be looked at next and he kept coming up to me but I was told to take my clothes off except my pants (which is weird) and so I did. I didn't have anything covering my chest. I was in like a dentist chair and they can move you up. So she moved my chair up and it got close to this camera. She brought me back down and did that maybe 3 times. Kevin is walking around and talking about a conspiracy theory with something that was said. He came back and the doctor said, "Well I see a full head of hair so congratulations you are pregnant" and I didn't know what to do or so. It was just weird. I had a backpack that I had packed my things in but I got my backpack confused with the little boys backpack who was there. I had packed my stuff in his bag so I took my stuff out and packed it in my bag. Earlier before I found out I was pregnant, I had asked the doctor how often she needed to see me and she wanted me there everyday this week. I asked her after I was pregnant and she told me the same thing. I said ok. I had my job now but it wasn't working from home, it was a job in-office. I was already upset because I couldn't get on Facebook at work anymore so I was thinking of maybe applying for another job. Kevin and I kissed for a second but it wasn't like we were super happy. We weren't sad either. I think we were both in shock. 

November 4 I had a dream that I was 1-2 days away from giving birth. I went to the doctor and they told me to come back tomorrow. It was a crazy feeling and I wasn't even big at all. I also had a dream that it was a Sunday and I had gotten on my laptop while on an hour hike because our Summit was over the weekend and I thought it was Monday. Kathleen was asking me why I didn't post any photos. It took a few minutes to realize that I didn't have to be on because it was the weekend. 

November 22
I had a dream that Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, and I were sharing a room. We were all sleeping on the floor. Travis almost mistaked me for Taylor. They also tried to set me up with a female. It was 5am and I hadn't slept all night, I got up and was told there was a lady that wanted to meet me. I am not into girls but apparently Taylor and Travis thought I was or something. I hadn't slept at all so we went out to the living room and Nana and Papa were there and the lady got the remote and turned the TV on and was talking to me while finding a channel, found something on TV and papa said, "I don't want to watch this" and it was his house. I remember looking out the window and talking about the snow (somehow not phased by the fact that we lived in California and this was snow like Utah snow) and then I told her I was tired and was going back to bed and I apologized. She went off on how men were different than women and honestly, I was just ready for sleep. And then I woke up.

December 15 I had a dream that I moved back to Utah, by myself, and I woke up, it was snowing outside and I was so sad and I hated it. I absolutely wanted to move back to California.


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