10 Minute Low-Carb Baked Pepperoni Pizzas

How is everyone dealing with the quarantine? I am OK, I feel like my anxiety has been pretty high these past few days and trying to stay inside as much as possible. Every time I do go out, I get social anxiety. Anyone else feel this way?

This recipe was not mine - I actually saw it in a Facebook group I'm in (I don't have the link or else I would share it) - but I did adapt it to a low carb style. Super easy and quick, especially while the kids are at home. It is literally done in 10 minutes!

Carb Balance Tortillas
Spaghetti/Pasta Sauce
Mozzarella Cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Pepperoni Slices
Italian Seasoning

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a pan. Use the tortilla as "crust" and place your sauce, cheese, and toppings on it.

Bake for 10-12 minutes.



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